Seeking Color.

"I have arrived. I am home. My destination is in each step." -Thich Nhat Hanh

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday Morning Musings

“Do we see what we think we see? Do we love as we believe we love?”

It has been several months since I’ve sat down to be quiet and listen to what is going on in my heart. It’s rare to go this long without a check in but it’s been a particularly busy time. By now I know myself well enough to recognize the tugs of my heart letting me know it’s time to reset so I took time to do so this weekend. I’m a big believer in the often thrown around statement of not being able to give others what we aren’t able to give ourselves. It’s true. And the more I’m able to get to know myself and treat myself in the way I want to be treated and treat others, the more and more the relationships I have are strengthened and fun and light and beautiful. It’s counterintuitive but the more I know and love me and am able to sit with myself, the more I am able to know and love and sit with people in my life.

There is a continual quest in my heart for living the absolute best life I can and to do the things that matter. What are the things that matter? We all get to pick what our life story is about and I pick love. It sounds cliché but this includes a lot. I’m talking about friendships, family, random encounters, romantic relationships, and the sharing of oneself.

This last thing – the sharing of one’s self – seems to be the most important. I have experienced the most delight when I have not only been given permission to be myself but absolutely adored for that. I think we’d all be hard pressed to say there aren’t many tugs in our lives asking us to act in certain ways, think certain ways, look certain ways, etc – but essentially – the world gives a mold of what’s right and many of us try to form ourselves to that shape. It’s a wonderful experience to create our own blueprint and not just live it out but love living it out. I think it can confuse people but I also believe it invites the people around us to be more who they are. And when I am most me and you are most you, the connection that is created is pretty darn cool. These are the silliest, most real, most unguarded moments I have and that’s what I want my life to be about. I want to be able to meet someone and in 5 minutes share an experience that is real even if we never see each other again. I want to have people in my life who know that we can cry and joke and hold each other and play and nothing changes. We both get to show up just as we are, be wherever we are and express it. It’s safe to be you and it’s safe to be me. There’s nothing threatening about it. There is trust. Nothing is forced. It’s energizing, and being together makes you better.

Some people don’t understand why my alone time is so dear and why I’d choose to stay in on a Friday night to do things that make me happy. That’s okay. All I know is that when I can sit with myself and wrestle with my heart, I can sit with anyone in the world who is hurting and love and hold them through it. For me, that’s what life is about.

[being alone] “isn’t a hiding place. It is a finding place.”

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