As I was flipping through radio stations this morning, I
happened to stop on a country station that was an interview with Gary Allen. He
was telling the story of when he signed his first record label. I missed the
beginning part of the story but from what I surmised, he was living in LA and
working at a car dealership. He happened to slip one of his demo CD’s into a
truck he sold and within a couple of weeks the couple who bought the truck came
back and asked who was messing up his song. The song he had left in the truck
was a cover of a popular Neil McCoy radio hit. They got to talking and the
couple learned of his dream to go to Nashville and record an album in order to
get a record deal. Without hesitation they asked how much he would need to do
that and he estimated between $10,000-$12,000.
Right there they wrote him a check for $12,000 and told him to go after
his dream. He tried giving it back but they said it wasn’t much money to them
and if it could change his life, he should take it and no worries about paying
them back. Well, wouldn’t you know…within 6 months he had signed a record label
and was not only able to pay them back in full but paid them interest!
I was really moved by this story and thought these are the
newsworthy things that we should be talking about! This couple had it right. Not
all of us have $12,000 lying around to give away but we do all have something that can change someone’s
life. Even if it’s “just” a smile.
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