Seeking Color.

"I have arrived. I am home. My destination is in each step." -Thich Nhat Hanh

Friday, January 24, 2014

How do you say goodbye?

How do you say goodbye?
This is where my soul found feet.
This is where love began.
Creativity fulfilled.
Questions answered.
Hope renewed.
How do you say goodbye?
How do you say goodbye?
The world became bigger.
Happier. Joyful.
Gratitude learned.
How do you say goodbye?
To beautiful.
To simple celebrations.
To quiet mornings.
How do you say goodbye?

Tears fall.
I’m not ready.
Never was.
Pages keep turning.
I am powerless.

Moments of clarity.
Moments of fear.
Moments of heartbreak.
I stand tall.
Moments become days become months become years.

I am different now.
But the question stays the same.
How do you say goodbye?

I don’t want to say goodbye.