Seeking Color.

"I have arrived. I am home. My destination is in each step." -Thich Nhat Hanh

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Make it Count.

Part of what I love about having a blog is having the ability to look back at specific snapshots in my life and see the shifts that have happened over time. Several weeks ago I decided that I’d like to start saying yes more. When I looked back at my 2013 goals, I had a bit of a giggle reading and remembering that a big goal for the year was learning to say no. I’d say I mastered that and now it’s time to balance my no’s with some yes’es.

It’s also incredible to read the things I wrote in 2012 and then in 2013 and see what different years they were thematically. 2012 was spent much in reaction to having my heart broken. 2013 was all about relationships. 

The end of my last romantic relationship left me in quite a mess and to get through it, I had to rediscover what makes me happy as an individual. I cried a LOT and was angry. And through the process of raw honesty, discovered me. Through that discovery my relationships became richer and life sweeter. As with all difficulties, it serves as a reminder that any hard time can be a gift if we choose for it to be so. We can become cynical and bitter or we can become happier and better versions of ourselves. There is always a choice. Where are you today? What do you want? The possibilities are endless.

I’m a big believer in the capacity for human change and growth. And it’s because I’ve experienced it. People who meet me today have no idea that I used to be chronically depressed. Most people don’t know about an incredibly trying time I went through several years ago that was the perfect recipe to turn me into a paranoid, distrustful, and hateful person. They see a very happy person – and as with us all - what is seen today is just a snapshot.

What is your “depression” or horrific experience - your thing (or things!) - you don’t believe you can let go of? The start of a new year is a great time to consider that perhaps you can let go of ____ and that quite possibly the only thing standing in the way is you. You can, you can, you can. Pick what you want and chase the hell out of it. Create your life. And give the people around you space to do the same. Compassion outward begins with compassion inward. Believe in change for yourself and you create space for the people around you to change too. Want the best for the people around you – even if they aren’t your friends and even if you don’t particularly care for them. They’re trying too. I believe we all are.

Many people base their goals only around fitness or health related things and, despite being in the fitness industry, I challenge to you think beyond fitness. Think about yourself as the whole person that you are. Are you happy? If not, discover what makes you happy. Being skinny or muscular isn’t the answer to happiness. Physical health is only part of the picture (and whether people find you attractive or not is zero part of it). Commit to YOU. Who are you? What makes your soul sing?

If what you want feels too big and scary, make a small step towards that change. The smallest steps are often what feel like the biggest leaps and are what take you the whole way. Change is possible. Empower yourself this year. Just pick 1 thing. You might find you keep going and discover a person you only dreamed possible.